What Is A Niche Fragrance? [ And Are They Better Than Designer Fragrances?]

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The world of perfume can be a complicated place – especially if you’re new to it all.

There are so many different terms that mean so many different things, and it can be tricky to get to grips with every term that you come across.

Who knew there were so many different terms for fragrances? Eau de toilette and eau de parfum are some of the more common ones that you hear, but what about the differences between designer perfume and niche fragrance?

Perfume is perfume, right?

what is a niche fragrance

So, what is a niche fragrance, anyway?

We’re going to cover everything you need to know about niche fragrances and how these differ from other terms for fragrances, including designer fragrances. So let’s take a closer look at what exactly a niche fragrance is!

What Is Considered A Niche Fragrance?

A niche fragrance is the term that is used to describe a more unique fragrance that has been designed and produced in-house, and on a much smaller scale compared to other types of perfume. Niche fragrances are typically produced by companies that specialize in perfume rather than anything else.

This niche fragrance is then often sold directly through the company’s stores and website, so you will often struggle to find it somewhere else. You may be lucky enough to find a niche fragrance in some regional luxury stores, but not the mass-market ones.

Because of this limited availability, the fragrances are considered to be niche fragrances, as they are so hard to find for the everyday consumer. They can sometimes be called artisan, or artisanal fragrances as well because of this.

What Is The Difference Between Niche Fragrance And Designer Perfume?

So we now know what exactly a niche fragrance is, but it sounds awfully similar to the designer fragrances that you’ve seen around certain stores. So what exactly is the difference between niche fragrance and designer perfume?

The answer all lies in who exactly is producing the perfume.

That’s because a niche fragrance is only ever really produced by companies who specialize in perfume (or at least, fragrances – some companies might make scented candles as well for instance.)

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Designer perfumes on the other hand are often produced by fashion designers – brands who specialize in the world of fashion, and have just expanded their lines to include other luxury goods, including perfume.

So examples of designer perfumes would be Gucci, Versace, and Yves Saint Laurent. Whereas more niche fragrances would be Creed, Serge Lutens, or Byredo.

Are Niche Fragrances Better Than Designer?

To some degree, deciding which is better between niche fragrances and designer perfumes will come down to personal preference.

However, niche fragrances are generally considered to be more complex because they are often crafted by hand, by perfumers looking to make a statement.

Niche fragrances highlight a larger variety of scent notes, which deliver a much more varied range of smells. Large fashion houses are not typically looking to produce scents that only a handful of people “in the know” will get.

Designer perfumes are mass produced, niche fragrances are much more unique. So if you’re looking for a more individual scent that you won’t be able to find somewhere else, or won’t stumble across someone else wearing, then niche fragrances are the way to go.

Designer fragrances are often pricey depending on the brand that you opt for, however, they are usually somewhat less expensive than niche fragrances because they are mass produced.

Niche fragrances tend to be more expensive because they are so unique, and produced in more limited runs, by companies that don’t have luxury clothing lines to offset any losses.

How Do I Choose A Niche Fragrance?

It can be tricky to try and find a new fragrance.

There are a couple of factors that you will need to consider to ensure that you find the right fragrance for you.

These will ultimately include how accessible your chosen niche fragrance is, how much it costs, and of coursee, if the scent style is one you like.

You won’t want to choose a niche fragrance that is going to be virtually impossible to buy regularly. It will be worth considering whether your chosen niche fragrance will be available in your local area, or if you will need to travel a fair distance to get your next bottle.

The cost will be an important factor for many. Not everyone has hundreds of dollars that they can splurge on a new fragrance. It will be important to think about how often you use your fragrance, and how often you will need to buy a new bottle to replace your old one.

The most important factor of course will be the overall scent of your chosen fragrance. You will need to ensure that you really like your niche fragrance to make it worth the investment and trip to collect it.

It may be worth trying a small sample of a niche fragrance if you are able to find some online or in your local perfume boutique, so that you can get a more in depth look at the overall scent notes.

Before You Go

So there you have it! A niche fragrance is a perfume that has been produced and designed by a company that specializes in perfume, not a luxury goods company or fashion designer. They are typically sold directly, or through a limited number of luxury boutiques, not the mass-market stores.

If you’re still trying to find your signature scent, you won’t want to miss our next article!

How To Find Your Signature Scent!

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